Privacy Policy for NotesPro Chrome Extension
Privacy Policy for NotesPro Effective Date: 1/25/2025 At NotesPro , your privacy is important to us. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your data when you use the NotesPro Chrome extension. By installing and using the extension, you agree to the practices outlined in this policy. 1. Information We Collect When you use NotesPro, the following types of information may be collected: Non-personally identifiable information : This includes information about your device, browser type, operating system, and the specific actions you perform while using the extension. This data is used only to improve the extension's performance and user experience. Local Storage Data : NotesPro stores your notes, screenshots, and PDFs locally on your device. These files are used solely for your personal use and are not uploaded or shared with third parties. Permissions : The extension requires permission to access YouTube ( to capture screenshots, take notes, and ge...